It's your energy - take action TODAY

Empowering People, Families And Communities

Our largest goal is to impact people, families and communities by teaching them how to take action, in their homes, and reduce their energy costs. 

Welcome to the Energy Action Network


We are an energy conscious organization leading the way for educating consumers on how to impact the environment, inspire others, and save money through creating an Energy Action Plan.

step one

Attend One Of Our Events

Simply click on one of the links here on our site to register and attend one of our weekly virtual events.

step two

Learn Energy Saving Strategies

We will go over simple but powerful energy savings tips and strategies that will impact you and your family.

step three

Implement, Save, And Thrive!

Now that you know the tips and strategies, it's time to implement and start realizing the monthly savings!

Take action TODAY!

Create your Energy Action Plan today!

Can Anyone Create An Energy Action Plan?


Of course anyone can create an Energy Action Plan, and that is what we are here for — to teach, inspire, and lead a movement of informed consumers who take control of their energy usage.

Benefit #1

Positively Impact The Environment

By creating an Energy Action Plan you are intentionally reducing the amount of electricity that you use — thus having a significant impact on the pollution generated in the energy creation process.

  • Attend
  • Learn
  • Implement

benefit #2

Inspire Others To Take Action and Create Their Plan

All it takes is a spark — just one person, like yourseslf, to inspire a neighbor, then a community, and then a whole town or city. Creating an Energy Action Plan is the ultimate version of taking your "power" into your hands, and inspiring others to do the same.

  • Attend
  • Learn
  • Implement

benefit #3

Save Money 

Learning and implementing your own Energy Action Plan provides the best of all worlds — you impact the environment in a positive way, inspire others, and keep more of the money you work hard for!

  • Attend
  • Learn
  • Implement

“As the saying goes, the Stone Age did not end because we ran out of stones; we transitioned to better solutions. The same opportunity lies before us with energy efficiency and clean energy.”

-Steven Chu

It's About You

This is our passion

We are a group of passionate conservationists and business leaders that want the same things as you — to impact the environment in a positive way, inspire others, and to help people save money. We love educating consumers about simple and effective energy reductions solutions and we partner with other organizations who offer energy efficient solutions to the consumer. We are here for YOU.

Our Hours

10:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Monday – Friday

Contact us

Phone: (727) 610-7873

Attend Our Next Event And Create Your Energy Action Plan!

REgister TODAY!

Don't wait another day to take control of your energy expenses. Join us on our next virtual web event by registering below!

  • (727) 610-7873

Copyright 2021 © Energy Action Network